Adoptionsvermittlung aus Südafrika - Service d’Adoptions pour l’Afrique du Sud
Naledi Asbl arbeitet im Bereich der Adoptionsvermittlung und dies wird integral über das Ministère del’Education Nationale de L’Enfance et de la Jeunesse finanziert.Wir nehmen aber gerne Spenden an für unsere Partnerorganisation in Südafrika. Diese sind leider nichtsteuerlich absetzbar!BCEE Luxemburg /KontonummerIBAN LU13 0019 1555 0306 1000BIC Code : BCEELULLNALEDI ASBLVermerk : Spende an ImpiloOur partner Impilo is always in need of help and we are thankful for your precious support!Please think about Impilo Child Protection and Adoption services if you would like to make a donation.There are many great occasions to ask friends and family for a donation, a birthday, a wedding, the birth of a child and many more. Advocating for us is highly appreciated!In the sad situation of the passing of a loved one, honoring their memory witha donation to support children in need is a wonderful way to do this.BCEE IBAN LU13 0019 1555 0306 1000Account Holder Naledi AsblReference for now : Help for ImpiloThank you Diane for Naledi Asblunfortunatly not tax deductible